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Part of the @remotion/paths package.

Animates an SVG path from being invisible to it's full length. The function takes two arguments:

  • progress is the progress towards full evolution, where 0 means the path being invisible, and 1 meaning the path being fully drawn out.


    Passing in a value above 1 will result in the start of the path getting devolved. Passing in a value below 0 will result in the path getting evolved from the end.

  • path must be a valid SVG path.

The return value will be an object containing strokeDasharray and strokeDashoffset values, which should be passed to the <path> element.

import { evolvePath } from "@remotion/paths";
const path = "M 0 0 L 100 0";
const evolution = evolvePath(0.5, path);
console.log(evolution); // { strokeDasharray: '100 100', strokeDashoffset: 50 }
const element = (

See also